Sunday, February 27, 2011

You Know You Are in Bhutan When: Part 2

  • You find out the only pharmacy in Thimpu carries one size Band-Aid, so you don't have high hopes that they will have Benadryl for your full body rash. Happy scratching!
  •  The school you work at is also the permanent residence of stray, adorable puppies.
  • Your student runs into your classroom to proudly show you the rat he caught in a waste basket
  • You are crouched over with your mini, twig-broom and dustpan sweeping up bugs off your living room floor, 40% of which are still alive and living in the wood of your wooden house.  Also a treat finding bug eggs next to the head of your bed.
  • You check out a man in a dress (aka gho).
  • You are eating traditional, local cereal.  You bite down on a rock, spit it out, and continue eating.
  • You can look at the license plate of a car, and know who it belongs to; diplomat,  police officer, of even the King (his plate says BHUTAN).
  • You can go to jail if you are smoking cigarettes that have entered the country illegally.
  • You are doing a traditional Nepali dance in a kira.
  • Holding your ears and doing frog jumps for extended periods of time does not count as corporal punishment.
  • You have invented more hot water drinks than are found on a Starbucks menu, because hot water is clean water
  • Instead of saying "slug bug" and punching the person next to you, you are saying "chillip in a kira"
  •  You hear small voices yelling “Hello” from 50 yards away, and the children at the park call you “Aunt”.
  • The kamikaze pigeons begin flying their crazy circles in the Himalayan winds.
  • Teaching the game Red Light, Green Light is potentially a “splinter skill” that leads to nothing, because some kids may never see a stoplight.
  • You are looking down at the city at night and you can only hear dogs and running water.  Not a car in sight.
  • The sun sets behind the mountain range transitioning the city from light to dark in moments.  You sleep, then wake up to silence and warm sunshine... perfect.

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